Go Army! Beat Navy!

Go Army! Beat Navy!
2009 Volleyball Team

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

18 days!

Here at The Point, warm weather has invaded the campus with record high temperatures this past weekend. Temperatures are rising as the number of class days here are dwindling. Cadets are itching for the next two weeks to go by quickly and anticipating Graduation Week, especially the seniors. Rumor on the street has it that Obama might be the key-note speaker this year. But I won’t believe it until I see it. As graduation fever engulfs the seniors, sophomores are struggling with the idea of signing their lives away to the Army or returning to the simplicities of being a civilian. Whereas plebes are just ecstatic that they won’t be plebes anymore. No more walking with your hands cupped outside or hugging the side of the hallways in the barracks or only being able to take one pass a semester. Oh yes plebes, I know you can see the light at the end of the tunnel now! So, for most cadets here at the Academy it is an exciting and scary time of year to say the least.

With only 18 days left until graduation, everyone is trying to get that last homework assignment in, study for their TEEs and say their last goodbyes to friends before they head off for their summer assignments. Here’s to hoping these next three weeks go by quickly…


  1. Oh, yeah Finals week... my fave part of the semester. Firstie year in two weeks!

  2. Mandible--you would.

    Here is a republication of an ever so appropriate Mandible Specimen FACT:

    "Similar to those whom reside in monasteries, the Mandible specimen is notorious for her relentless studies. Even on a sunny fall day, the Mandible specimen can be found burrowed deeply in a stack of scholarly journals. There are some reports of her lurking on the 6th floor of Jefferson Hall lodged between the movable shelves. It is suggested that this is in order to gain a similar feeling that of in utero. More research is needed."

    No thanks to Julie for never posting my observations of the Mandible Specimen.
