Go Army! Beat Navy!

Go Army! Beat Navy!
2009 Volleyball Team

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Well this past weekend was filled with tons of volleyball. At the Spring Tournament that Army hosted they lost to Rhode Island, split with UConn and beat Temple and Marist. It was a good "starter" weekend considering we hadn't work on offense one bit.

Now the girls are back in the gym brushing up on some of the skills that lacked this weekend. It has been a rough week for our players. Not only is volleyball a focus for them right now but it is a "Thayer" week. For all of you who don't know what "Thayer" week is, it means it is a week from hell for school. Tests, tests and more tests. One on top of the other. Since it is such a tough school week the girls had Wednesday off to study and get tutoring. Hopefully it pays off!!

Julie returned from MEQ after watching some great volleyball. Indy was cold but it was buzzing with the hype of the Men's Final Four. Alma is lucky enough to have scored tickets to the Final Four and is headed there this weekend to watch some great basketball and hopefully an upset or two! (Go Butler, go!) Jeremy is off to Baltimore this weekend for the qualifier and some quality fun at the Inner Harbor.

Other than that, the weather is finally taking a turn for the better! It's starting to look like spring outside and the sun is shining! Can't complain.

Until next time...

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